Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Jade for President

Reality show flow. Three hours ago. I sat my ass on the couch and tuned it all out. Singers. Documentaries about race. Becoming a Super Model. Or going to space.

How can your life be turned into a show? System flow more indie bandwidth dial temple dragons. On candy tile garage pad lock all systems go.

I'm voting for my favorite model. I think super models could save the world. I'm thinking our President should be a super model. Sit there and be pretty and don't speak. Smile really big and show your bleached teeth and reconstructive surgery cheek bone temple pilots.

I'm hoping Jade will win now. She's a real super model. Like a super hero. Real. Just look at her photo shoot. If she only had super powers man. If she could fly and eat bullets. We could win the war. Sick our super models on the insurgents. Sick our super models on our enemies. Problems solved.


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