Sunday, April 23, 2006

Run Time Error

I'm watching. Watching myself gain weight. My wife told me that I've gained more than I had thought. I've been in denial lately. I grabbed my stomach minutes ago and realized that it's gotten huge.

When I eat a big dinner I have problems sitting down. It hurts. I know all of the right things to do and I'm not doing them. Again. Just another statistic. Another overweight American.

I've gained 25 pounds in the last two years and it ain't pretty. Recently I was on vacation and at a friends house I looked in the mirror and thought I was looking into one of those fat mirrors at the carnival. It wasn't one. I'm an overweight father. Thank God I still have my hair.

Never thought it would come to this. Sitting at my computer eating Doritos I still thought I had the metabolism of a teenager. Not anymore. Thank you America for making us fat. Thank you for stuffing our stockings and stomachs every Christmas, every day. The land of the plenty has become a land of overconsumption.

I am programmed to eat twice the normal serving. I am programmed to sit on the couch and watch three hours of reality T.V. I am programmed to dismiss my obesity as a normality. Not anymore. I am on a mission to cut calories and regain my youth. I am watching. Watching my weight.


At 2:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nike reminds us to JUST DO IT, but also JUST BUY MORE.


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