Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Forked Tongue

Consolidated omnibus budget reconcilation act of 1985 states that the insured can continue converage for a limited period of time if the insured meets the applicable requirements, makes a timely election, and pays the proper premium. In plain english, "You sir are screwed." Good luck. Nice knowing you. There's the door and now we are going to make you pay for what you deserve. To be able to have affordable medical coverage. To be able to take care of yourself and your family and not have to file bankrupsy for a broken arm.

I have thrown alll caution to the wind. I pray that nothing happens between now and the next day I receive benefits. I pray that all my trips to work in the next week will be safe and uneventful. I pray that my choice to get the hell out of dodge has not bitten me in the ass and put me in the poor house. The poorer house. I pray. It may.

COBRA stings. Cobra bites. Cobra fights and mights thy sights. Of distant winds and seldom bends to all ends, to all wars and all sores that are allowed and not endowed until all scores are taken down and bound in this town or your town or all around. Abound. Abound. Abound.

Around. Around. Around.


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