Friday, March 03, 2006

First Order Logic

Value semiotics. Lexical linguistics. Acrolect ritual rites of passage puberty, weddings, menopause, and death. The liminality of the social class occupation is disambiguation. Parsing Programming languages and Data structures into one Algorithm is of further consideration. A Bachelor's degree in first order logic is undecidable if any quantification or uniqueness quantification would be desirable.

Because I am attempting to formalise the notion of something being true.

Attempting to formalise the notion of the me and you. Seeing the structure and all it's housing. Seeing the compact plastic shell of voided refunds and coupons collected attempting to save pennies and time. Time being now. Saving time. Saving me. Saving you.

In mathematics and logic, the phrase "there is one and only one" is associated with unique existence. There is one and only one, and that one is you.


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